Bereavement Counselling


 Coping with Bereavement can be difficult and challenging and it can affect in various ways. You may feel overwhelmed by emotions and it can have an impact on your daily functioning. You may experience shock and numbness, overwhelming sadness, tiredness or exhaustion, anger, guilt and other emotions. Talking and sharing your feelings with someone can help. If you are struggling do not struggle on your own and seek help (NHS 2019)

How can Counselling Help?

Counselling can facilitate you an environment where you can express your feelings and help you through the grieving process. It may be difficult to express your feelings to the people around you which is why many prefer counselling. In counselling you can express you difficult feeling and emotions around bereavement issues without being judged.  Counselling can also help you towards making adjustments in your daily life after bereavement. It may also help you with moving forward in your life. Finally, if you wish to find out more or book a counselling session for bereavement please click below and get in touch.